Thursday, October 27, 2011

Next Weeks Menu!

OK my friends, here is next weeks menu!  Not much to buy this week because we are eating out Monday (Trunk or Treat at ChicFilA) and Friday because I start a Christmas job a Macy's on Monday and I know I won't want to cook by Friday so I will be picking up some pulled pork from Shorty's on my way home.  WooHoo!  You will be able to tell over the next couple of menu's that I will be working full time for the next 6 weeks.  Meals will be simple and my sweet hubby will help because we are not big on eating out a lot.  The best way to get the menu and shopping list to print is to double click on it and when it opens, right click on it and "save as picture", then go to your pictures and open and print it.  If that doesn't work for you, let me know and I will email it to you!  Hope you all have a great week of family dinner!

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